onsdag 4. februar 2009


Det blir ingen flere poster på denne bloggen. Ny blogg: http://hildem93.blogg.no

onsdag 28. januar 2009

Updateeeees. Pga resultatene i meningsmålingen til venstre, skriver eg på norsk igjen... Haha, det skulle bli en blogg som hele verden kunne lese, eg sliter nok med høye ambisjoner. I dag var det musikaldag på skolen. Blir nok en kanonbra forestilling! :D "Teateret treng ikkje berre skuespillere, men fans også. Kjøp billetter! :)" Skal bli flinkere å blogge. Jada.

søndag 25. januar 2009

Just wanna make a post and tell how much i love Daniel ♥ ^^,

tirsdag 20. januar 2009

I'm sitting down here but, hey you can't see me. I'm listening to Lene Marlin's song "Sitting Down Here" - her debut single. I love her voice. When I was little, I had a her album "Playing My Game". No idea where I got it from. I knew most of the songs by heart and with my horrible voice I used to sing along. Well well.

onsdag 14. januar 2009

7 THINGS I HATE / 7 THINGS I LIKE I HATE * Fake friends! * Fuckloads of makeup, fake blonde hair, slutty clothes. Give me a break! * The song 7 Things by Miley Cyrus. It's too awesome and get too easy stuck on my brain. * This editing shit, that's why this look like crap. I'm trying to find a way I could move my blog to somewhere else. Tips? I'd like to keep my whole blog. I LIKE * True friends. * I love makeup :-D But I prefer not to look like a whore, please. * When people say nice things to each other. * Life, at the moment.

onsdag 7. januar 2009

school is on again. that's cool, but I'd prefer staying in bed all day and only leave for a shower now and then. When I've grown big and smart I'm gonna invent a pill that will give you all the knowledge you could need. you'll take a pill, and TADAAAH, you know syllabus for one school year. to not make your brain explode, you have to wait a year til you take the next pill. you'll be done at school when you normally would, but you could spend your days without school, and just chill out and relax. but in that way everybody would have top grades and know exactly the same. maybe not so smart after all. i'm also gonna invent sleep you could eat. but first i could need the pills.

fredag 2. januar 2009

Only the strong survive

The worst is over and the sky is clear
And there's not a place on earth I'd rather be than here
But on the horizon
As the morning breaks
I can see a brand new day that's full of new mistakes
Gotta keep on running
Stay on the attack
'Cause the day you quit's the day you wish you had it back
They tell me that only the strong survive
I don't know if we'll make it through the night
I guess I'll see you in the after light
They tell me that only the strong survive
This song apeared in my brain.. Nice song huh? The title is a link.
You know what would have been really nice? If you who read this, post a comment with your name on, and if you have a reason, tell me why you read this :) I love my readers!
What's up? I've just eaten dinner, chicken. Synnøve was here, but she had to leave right before dinner :( Those things usually happends to us, bad timing indeed. Last night, I saw "The Mummy" with Daniel. That is one ugly movie !!
Gotta go, visitors :)

torsdag 1. januar 2009

Happy new year :D

there is NO WAY a new year could start without the Radetzky March. It's a tradition, and the only thing that makes me not stay in bed all day on January the 1st. Yupp, this is one of my weak sides, I like this kind of music enough to watch the New Year's concert from Vienna every year. I love it :D I love new years eve. Though fireworks freak me out. Me and dad is always outside around 12, and when we get in my sister has woke up by all the sounds, and we say happy new year to each other. We don't have any nice dinner or wear nice clothes, we have it cosy and have fun together. After midnight and we've been out in the cold together, said happy new year and everything, we eat candies and stuff, and not long after we go to bed. Sigh, traditions don't have to be complicated. PS. click on the title and you'll see the Radetzky March from Vienna in 1989. :D Happy new year, you.

mandag 29. desember 2008

Ok, this is the very first blog that is written in my room. But only a short short one. God, this is gonna be cool. ;p somebody wanna get me a chicken curry thing from big bite? :D

søndag 28. desember 2008

Candy floss toasted marshmallow orange Island punch berry blue strawberry jam peanut butter coconut lemon lime grape pineapple cinnamon café latte
if i could just have all of those !
Malin challenged me. xD A. People who have been tagged must write their answers on their blog and replace any question that they dislike with a new, original question. 01. What are your nicknames? Mich, Hildemor. :S 02. How do you style your hair? I brush it, set it up and some times i use something in it. 03. What's new in your life right now? Nothing new today =) 04. How many colours are you wearing now? Black, white, green, pink, blue... omg =S 05. Team Edward or Team Jacob? Team Hilde la Vie 06. What was the last book you read? Can't remember... Long time ago. but the last thing i read was a short story by Franz Kafka. 07. Do you nap a lot? usually never... 08. If the person you secretly like is already taken, what would you do? Move on. 09. Is there anything that has made you unhappy these days? Noo :D 10. What's your favourite dessert? Ice cream ;p 11. How long does it take you to get ready in the morning? I usually do it quite fast, because I dont have much time x3 12. What websites do you visit daily? Facebook, blogspot. 13. What classes are you taking right now? Hello? Christmas. 14. Do you like to clean? Hate it. 15. What's the last song that got stuck in your head? I like to move it, move it :) 16. What's the last movie you saw? Madagaskar 2 :D 17. What's better: eternal love or memorable love? boooth... is that possible? 18. What is your least favourite thing to do that you have to do every day? Go to bed. I hate going to bed, but I love to sleep :b 19. Best time of your life? des 19. dont say more. 20. What are you most looking forward to in the coming month? 2009. I challenge: Merete, Mirrorboy, Åshild, Therese :) this was fun :p

lørdag 27. desember 2008

Lipgloss whore

They say all teenagers scare the living shit outta me. Actually, I'm quite vain. I brush my hair, put maybe some makeup on... Makeup or whatever, I'm dangerously near getting addicted to lipgloss :-S

onsdag 24. desember 2008

Woooha! it's Christmas.
Can you imagine? Like, last week it was the summer holiday, now it's the big day, and everybody smile and laugh and wish you a merry merry christmas... Time is running out of control, grab it before it is vanishing!
One hour from now, maybe before *YIKES* it's christmas dinner... mmm.. really nice tradition food :D then it's ice cream, and theeeeen the presents... I'm wondering what i get from mum and dad. hihi, also ive opened some presents... from my friends, and from daniel. the present from daniel were so pretty i didnt wanna open it. but inside it were even more beautiful, and i love it!

tirsdag 23. desember 2008

Merry Christmas

Tadaaaaaaah! From now, I'm gonna write in English. Partly because Synnøve did - I like to do as my idols does *tihi* - but MOSTLY because I want more people to be able to read what I write. Nice; Done. Right now I'm finishing the very last christmas presents, which i though i had done ages ago. But i'm having a break at the moment, because i cut my finger on a picture frame and found it best not to get any blood on the picture. So now I have a beautiful Cinderella plaster on my finger, hoping it would HEAL asap!! Last night my boyfriend was here... Really nice, we made dinner for the family and so on :-) I like Grease, the movie... Tomorrow it's Christmas Eve ! Merry Christmas. OPS. new link. http://inmyownworld93.blogspot.com/

lørdag 20. desember 2008

Eg gleder meg til nyttårsaften. Til at 2008 skal være over, og at eg kan ønske det nye året velkommen. Til å si farvel til alle triste og dumme events i det gamle året, si hei til gode nye. Tenke gjennom alle glade ting som har skjedd, ta vare på det i hjertet og ta de frem hvis vonde ting dukker opp igjen. God nyttår, på forskudd.